Our Values

Gospel Determined
  • Prayerfully dependent on God and deeply transformed by the gospel.
  • We believe in the fullness of Scripture in light of the sacrifice of Jesus.
Visibly Missional
  • Our church is visibly present & active in the local community.
  • Our people are known for genuine love and care.
  • Every member seeks to connect people to Jesus, both individually and in groups.
Multiplying Disciples
  • Disciples committed to following & worshipping Jesus as Lord & Saviour.
  • Disciples committed to growing in community together & regularly gathering on Sundays & at other times.
  • Ministries & Leaders develop people who are growing in Jesus & showing the fruit of the Spirit.
Passionately Serving
  • Our people live & give with sacrificial God-centred generosity.
  • Our people are wholeheartedly developing & utilising their time, talents & treasures to serve together.
  • Our leaders desire to shepherd God’s flock & steward God’s resources wisely.
Family-Like Community
  • Our people desire to build community by one anothering each other. 
  • Our people share life deeply together, caring for each other especially in times of need. 
  • We desire a community that reaches beyond our formal gatherings.

Our Purposes

Connecting people to Jesus

We see a church full of hearts so desperately broken for the lost, and so completely confident in the power of the gospel, that the good news of Jesus is always on our lips and the love of God is clearly seen in our actions.

Cultivating faith in Jesus

We see a church so humbled by the power of our creator God, so in awe of the person of Jesus, and so consumed by the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, that we are forever submitting ourselves to His Word and turning to Him in prayer.

Celebrating Life with Jesus

We see a church so overcome by the grace and compassion of God, that we cannot help but rejoice, sing and live out our thankfulness in never-ending praise, as we regularly gather and joyfully serve him all of our days.

Loving our Church VISion & Values

In 2025 we refreshed our vision and values based on the people we have become and the future church we want to be. We have prayerfully reflected on our people, community and key passages: Matthew 28:18-20, Revelation 7:9-10, Colossians 1:28-29, 1 Peter 5:1-5 and John 13:34-35.

To find out more take a look at our vision document: